Day 129, 1 Thessalonians 4
Yesterday Paul wrote about his love for them, and how their love overflows to each other and the surrounding population. Today he takes his encouragement and instruction a step further into practical injunctions and promises.
This is often a pattern in Paul’s letters: the initial greeting and core teaching later shift into practical matters that help the readers to apply the truths in everyday life.
Here Paul commends to them his teachings, a practical holiness of devotion to God, and a rejection of compromise in their own standards.
None of this is easy (even though much of it is simple). So Paul concludes this chapter with an exhortation to reject false teachings about those who have already died (in the persecution). Looking forward to Jesus’ return is a strong safeguard against discouragement.
I urge you to read the footnotes in the Passion translation for verses 16 and 17, because they make clear how it is a misinterpretation of the Greek to make these words point to a rapture off this earth to escape from evil. For more on this, and the thinking that feeds it, I recommend the writing of Brian Zahnd (especially “Sinners in the Hands of a Loving God”), Brad Jersak (“Her Gates Will Never Be Shut,” “A More Christlike God,” and “A More Christlike Word”).
Although this letter is sometimes twisted to predict an escape from suffering before God judges everyone, it is written for an infinitely more valuable and Christlike purpose: to help us overflow with love as we suffer, and for our trials to bring many sons and daughters to glory in relationship with their Father and His Son.
Have a great day!