Day 130, 1 Thessalonians 5
Paul concludes his letter to the young church in Thessalonica with more practical instructions and encouraging truths.
As you read today, do so with the awareness Paul intends: you are a dweller in the light of God’s love. That changes everything, including suffering. Your heart is protected by faith and love, your mind is protected by hope. God has designed you for salvation: saved, healed and delivered, united with the godhead. “He gave his life for us so that we may share in resurrection life in union with him.”
That is great news, and removes all necessity for fear, striving, or self-righteousness. Instead, we are to strengthen one another with encouragement, and appreciate our leaders who serve us.
As you read the final portion of this chapter today, I encourage you to read slowly, deeply, and receptively. Take a few extra minutes to re-read and allow God to impart more revelation to you, causing His love to overflow through you.
Have a great day!