Day 135, 1 Corinthians 3

1 Corinthians 3  

Yesterday Paul contrasted the wisdom that can only be comprehended in the Holy Spirit with the values of our world system. The church in Corinth was tarnished by worldly wisdom, as is much of the Church today. So Paul calls them to spiritual maturity. The diagnosis rests on the fruit we observe: is there jealousy, comparison and factional favoritism? If yes, then maturity is lacking. Like babies we can’t yet walk the walk or talk the talk.

Whenever we get fixated on a spiritual hero, we fall short of the growth God intends for us. “I’m for Paul” or “I’m for Apollos” (who traveled to minister in Corinth while Paul was in Ephesus) are disclosures of immaturity and ignorance. Neither Paul, or Apollos, or any of the famous names in the Christian industry today give growth in the Spirit. Only God can produce spiritual growth. The rest of us are simply obeying God in our tending of the garden, or our building of the house of God.

Since we are building God’s house when we minister to one another, we must take care to focus on quality as we build. Gold, silver and precious stones are godly materials that endure, while human wisdom is like hay and straw that will burn up when tested. You don’t want to serve God all your life in your own understanding, because you’ll need the metaphorical fire truck when testing comes!

God loves to reveal the upside-down nature of His kingdom by showing His power when human beings are humbly weak and child-like. Let’s choose His way again today.

Have a great day!



Day 136, 1 Corinthians 4


Day 134, 1 Corinthians 2