Day 131, 2 Thessalonians
Last week we concluded Paul’s first letter to the persecuted, but persevering church in Thessalonica. Today our timeline is about a year later, and Paul writes again. His purpose is to clarify their understanding ot their identity as children of God and correct their misunderstandings of the return of Jesus (the Day of the Lord). We’ll read the whole of this short epistle in one day.
Firstly, Paul commends their endurance amidst increasing persecution, and then he encourages them that this suffering is not in vain. Jesus will judge their persecutors; God has not forgotten these believers. There was a rumor around that the return of Jesus had already taken place, and thus that these former pagans had missed it, but Paul takes care to correct that misunderstanding. He clarifies that the enemy must take his place to receive the world’s worship before Jesus blows him away (literally) when He appears. Paul also reminds them of his conduct and teaching when he was with them, to exhort those who are sitting back waiting for the return of Jesus to instead work hard (as Paul did) to demonstrate God’s goodness in place of idleness.
As we apply this to ourselves, let’s be aware of any ways we are suffering for standing on the truth about Jesus - God is our Father, who calls us to live for Him, and with Him. And let’s examine our lifestyle and conduct, being careful to avoid being busybodies (appearing busy but fruitless and misguided). Take care not to be caught up in speculative end-times teachings that twist scripture into ‘certainties’ that will prove to be the opposite.
Have a great day!