Day 107, Acts 10
So much has happened since the day of Pentecost. The new Church has been thrust on the stage of the Roman Empire by the demonstration of miracles, signs and wonders. Even the chief persecutor on religious grounds has been transformed.
But so far this history-changing movement has been confined to the Jews and their half-cousins, the Samaritans.
All that is about to change. When God chose Abram and his family, the intent was to make a nation of one family. Abraham fathered Isaac, Isaac fathered Jacob and Jacob became Israel. His twelve sons became the Patriarchs of the twelve tribes of the nation God brought out of slavery and into the Promised Land. But as Stephen eloquently described in Acts 7 (Day 104), the disobedience and sin of that nation led them into exile, and even when they returned to the land, it was under Gentile (non-Jewish) oppression.
Now the Roman oppressors are about to join the company of God’s chosen people, in fulfillment of Daniel’s prophetic visions as well as Jesus’ words in John 10:16.
I love to read this chapter and see how God lovingly and patiently maneuvers the characters into the place He intends. Cornelius has a revelation from Jesus, sends his servants and a soldier to find Simon Peter. Simon Peter is staying with Simon the Tanner (where Tabitha was raised from the dead) and has a vision in a dream about all kinds of unclean animals. God is persuading all these people to let go of their firmly held opinions and laws so that the good news of new life in Jesus can spread to the whole world.
And finally God confirms the rightness of all this by pouring out His Holy Spirit abundantly. You can’t argue with God showing up like that!
Holy Spirit, we choose to obey you, even when it offends our dearly held opinions and “certainties”. Have Your way and pour out on all humanity again!
Have a great day!