Day 106, Acts 9

Acts 9

Supernatural revelation, and supernatural obedience collaborate in today’s reading. Saul is hell-bent on destroying what God is doing, and Jesus reveals Himself supernaturally to stop that. Meanwhile Ananias (who is already a believer living in Damascus, so has had an encounter with the living Jesus prior to this moment) receives the kind of vision that requires supernatural obedience. He is to find the most famous persecutor and murderer of believers and heal his sight!

Remarkably, Ananias obeys and Saul is baptized. What a radical turn around for this zealous Pharisee to trust and obey the Lord he had tried to eradicate! And Saul’s zeal is immediately turned into evangelistic fervor in the synagogue. He’s a full-on enthusiast for whatever cause has seized him!

The rest of the chapter goes on with multiple supernatural events: Saul escapes from Damascus and is introduced to the rest of the believers in Jerusalem by Barnabas, but his fiery passion is too much for them and eventually he’s smuggled away to his home town of Tarsus for a season.

Meanwhile Peter is traveling around the area and heals Aeneas in Lydda and raises Tabitha (or Dorcas) from the dead in Joppa. Thus the supernatural obedience of these friends of Jesus continues to demonstrate Jesus’ presence and power to everyone.

Lord, let it be that way again! We accept the challenge to supernatural obedience as you reveal yourself to us and through us.

Have a great day!



Day 107, Acts 10


Day 105, Acts 8