Day 108, Acts 11

Acts 11

When God moves, religion will always react in contradiction. Today’s chapter is no exception. News of Peter’s “heretical” behavior traveled faster than the man himself and he returns to Jerusalem to find controversy.

It is sad that religion always demands explanation from those who are seeing miraculous breakthrough in the power of the Holy Spirit. At least the believers in Jerusalem were sensitive enough to glorify God when they heard the explanation. The lesson for us is to be willing to explain our experience of God to those who are offended. Their acceptance or rejection is not in our hands, but explanation opens the door to life change.

Jerusalem is learning step-by-step how much God’s plan has expanded with the resurrection of Jesus. Meanwhile in Antioch the refugees from persecution have started a church where there are fewer traditional hindrances to God’s activity, and it grows rapidly. Barnabas (son of encouragement) is sent to check out this rapidly growing church, and brings great increase to them through his encouragement. This regional resource church became a sending center and a place of great significance in the spread of the Church through the Gentile world.

Here is the first place where followers of “The Way” (i.e. Jesus - John 14:6) are revealed to be anointed ones resembling their Lord. “Christian” means “little Christ” or “little anointed one.”

And the first fruit of that anointing is care and concern for their brothers and sisters in Jerusalem who are going through a prophesied famine. The offering to help them is sent to Jerusalem with Barnabas and Saul, and so the way is prepared for these two leaders to meet with the rest of the apostles in Jerusalem: more of that in coming days.

Have a great day!



Day 109, Acts 12


Day 107, Acts 10