Day 39, Matthew 14

Matthew 14

Yesterday we read Matthew 10. Today we jump to Matthew 14, having already covered the intervening chapters earlier in the chronology.

We have seen two major pivot points in the ministry of Jesus: His public sermon summarizing His message leads to more overt opposition from religion, greater following by the crowds, and clearer condemnation of the Pharisees, Sadducees and teachers of the Law. And secondly, in light of the huge needs and hunger, Jesus multiplies Himself by ‘apostling’ (sending out) twelve others.

Today we come to another pivot: the secular authorities are starting to take notice, react in insecurity, and move to protect their interests. Jesus responds by slipping away by boat for privacy, but the crowds realize and follow Him on foot. So His retreat becomes a healing crusade! No sign of resentment or frustration for Jesus, though. He is moved with deep compassion for their needs. Let’s monitor our own hearts in case they become hardened to the needs around us.

A further need comes to light later in the day: the crowd is far from food and supplies as the day draws toward evening. Jesus sees an opportunity to show more compassion, while also opening His disciples’ eyes to the range of God’s miraculous displays of love. Having seen many healings, the disciples now experience the remarkable sight of seeing food multiply in their own hands as they each take 1/12th of the little barley loaves and fishes and feed hundreds of people! Imagine the impact on your heart of being told to feed hundreds, even thousands, with half a dinner roll and a fragment of fish, yet seeing the food multiply in your hands! There are even twelve baskets of leftovers - enough for one each.

After the impromptu picnic is concluded, Jesus sends the disciples and the boat off to the other side of the Lake, and dismisses the crowd. This finally gives Him the solitude He sought when the political powers started to turn against Him. The text says He was praying alone, but we know from His own testimony that he was speaking with His Father.

In the early hours of the morning, the disciples are struggling with a storm in the middle of the lake when they see a frightening sight: a man walking on top of the waves! Jesus reassures them that it is He, not a ghost. (Can you imagine being reassured in those circumstances?!)

Peter (always ready to be impetuous) asks to walk on water too, and Jesus says “go ahead.” It is worth noting that God’s answer to your supernatural risk-taking is usually “Yes”! But the fearsome waves distract Peter and he starts to sink, needing a supernatural lifesaver to save him. Jesus encourages Peter to not let doubt win: great advice for us at any time, not just in the storms of life. Then the instant calming of the storm (again) prompts them all to worship and declare “You are truly the Son of God!”

How have you seen God step into your overwhelming situations? Will you worship and acknowledge Him today?

Have a great day!



Day 40, Mark 6


Day 38, Matthew 10