Day 40, Mark 6

Mark 6

As we read these astonishing events again, from Mark’s perspective as a chronicler stringing together pearls of revelation, see what details God highlights for you in these accounts.

Here are a few things that stand out to me:

Familiarity breeds contempt (verses 1-5).

Jesus never sends out individuals to do His work - it’s always pairs or more (verse 7).

It’s okay to be rejected (verses 8-11).

Fear for position and bitter grudges are both deadly poisons (verses 14-29).

Your assessment of a situation may differ from Jesus’ view (verses 34-44).

Even when God is at work, you can miss the benefit of witnessing such miracles (verse 52).

You can receive from God by following previous examples (verse 56).

What do you see?

Have a great day!



Day 41, Luke 9


Day 39, Matthew 14