Day 38, Matthew 10

Matthew 10

We have seen how the crowds love the power and authority of Jesus, and how the leaders of the religious establishment are incensed at His popularity and familiarity with God. He is a threat to their system, and Jesus responds to their angry opposition by healing and delivering anyone who needs it while also calling out their hypocrisy.

The change in tone to clearer condemnation of religious jealousy came after the public declaration of Jesus’ ‘manifesto’ in the sermon on the mount. Now we reach another turning point in His developing ministry.

Immediately after urging his followers to ask God to thrust out harvesters, Jesus selects twelve of those followers and sends them out. Their designation is now as apostles - ones who are sent to represent a kingdom (similar to ambassadors). These men are going to be the answer to their own prayers!

Notice first how unqualified and unlikely these leaders are. Fishermen, former terrorists, a tax collector, and the money keeper who would betray Him! The saying is true, that God does not call the qualified! Today’s church often looks for the best candidate, while Jesus looks for open hearts who will follow and obey.

Next, we can be challenged by the scale of the assignment: heal the sick, cast out demons, raise the dead, don’t make elaborate preparations or rely on your resources, trust God! Any volunteers for that assignment? Maybe that’s why the way Jesus described the harvester recruitment process at the end of the previous chapter was “ask God to cast out (literally exorcise) workers into the harvest!”

As if to amplify the hesitation potential, Jesus also describes the betrayal, suffering and intimidation that awaits them. He explains that this is because no student is greater than his teacher: prefiguring the suffering ahead in His own life. Even family ties will be affected by this selection and commissioning.

Yet there are great rewards for those who will say ‘yes.’ We have the privilege of not only representing God, but seeing God with us. Anyone who receives a sent one receives God Himself! And our message is simple: “Heaven is here, now, within reach.” And with that declaration we have the right and authority to release the power of God’s Kingdom.

Why wait? Let’s begin!

Have a great day!



Day 39, Matthew 14


Day 37, Matthew 9