Day 37, Matthew 9

Matthew 9

I hope you are enjoying the overlap and repetition in our readings, as we move through the chronology of Jesus’ ministry from the different viewpoints of the evangelists. Today Matthew gathers multiple miracles together into one chapter, alongside his own account of his calling as a disciple.

It would be unusual for a man with a good income and a secure position with the occupying forces to leave it all behind and follow a teacher who urges His followers to turn from their sins to enter the Kingdom of God! But when you see the power of the works Jesus does, in obedience to Father God, it makes more sense.

Of course the religious elites are incensed at the ‘defilement’ of Jesus through association with the outcast, the reject, the leper and the unclean! Jesus responds by teaching the teachers: You should study the scripture that says “I want you to show mercy, not just offer me a sacrifice.”

Beware of knowing you are right, and that you know God’s will. Jesus will often surprise us!

This kingdom is new wine, and old structures will be devastated by it. And the harvest of those hungry and thirsty for the new kingdom is so vast that we are commissioned to go into the harvest and as God to thrust out more harvesters alongside us.

Have a great day!



Day 38, Matthew 10


Day 36, Mark 5