Day 34, Matthew 8:14-34
When we read Luke 8, we did not comment in detail on the incident at Gadara (across the lake to the East) after the calming of the storm. Today, Matthew gives us more detail on these events.
Firstly we see why Jesus was tired enough to sleep in the storm: healings and deliverances, as well as dealing with double-minded followers among the vast crowds! Of course, it was His close relationship with His Father that gave Jesus peace, even when the circumstances were squalling around them.
After calming the storm, Matthew records the encounter with two demoniacs in the cemetery. Luke and Mark only mention one man: the one who asked to join Jesus’ followers and was told to remain there and witness to the local populace. But Matthew adds the detail that there was a second man with the same issue, adding credibility to these differing accounts from varying perspectives. Notice that this is merely a discrepancy, not a contradiction (as those wishing to discredit scripture would assert).
The clear message of the story is that the enemy may have ‘troops’ and they may succeed in tormenting for a time, but they are terrified of Jesus, and cannot succeed in their evil mission. It is interesting to note that the pigs (unclean animals in the Torah, and a metaphor for Gentiles to the Jews) stampeded down the cliff into the water and drowned. Demons are clearly afraid of water (see Matthew 12 on Day 30).
The power of God is on the move today, just as it was then. Let’s be those who say “welcome” rather than “please go away!”
Have a great day!