Day 26, Matthew 7

Matthew 7

When we paused to reflect, we observed that the instructions of Jesus that bring most joy to us are likely principles we have learned and are applying, while the hardest challenges are often areas where Holy Spirit is at work. Let’s continue to consider those two metrics as we read on today. We are seeking kingdom fruit, not worldly perishables.

Today, Jesus’ teachings begin with the hearer: don’t apply higher standards to others than to yourself. In other words, His wisdom is “start with me.” This is sound advice to any God-seeker, and we do well to follow it, although this will often lead to the conclusion that I am unable to change myself and need help. Jesus is ahead of us here too; ask (and keep asking), seek (and keep seeking), knock (and keep knocking); your Father loves you and will give you the best - His Spirit living in you to guide you and equip you to live out these values. He is not deaf to our heart’s cry for help.

The golden rule (treating others with love as you’d want to be treated) is a narrow gate that we can easily miss if we are traveling the wide road the world is on. Likewise, there are plenty of fakes and pretenders who will tell us their version of what God requires, but only this true revelation bears good fruit. If I embrace Jesus’ words (the words of The Word), and apply them, my foundation in love will be strong enough to withstand any storm. Alternatively, neglecting application of what I hear from Him makes me like a mobile home in a hurricane. It’s a great loss.

There are many godly principles in this chapter; which of them has life for you today? Hearing AND applying is a wise move. Let’s make a plan now to live out the life our loving Father gives us in response to our heart cry for help.

Have a great day!



Day 27, Matthew 8:1-13


Day 25, Matthew 6