Day 27, Matthew 8:1-13

Matthew 8:1-13

Yesterday, we ended our reading with several teachings of Jesus that underscore the principle that the fruit is determined by the root. We also saw the reaction of the crowds that this teaching was different than any they had heard, because it had authority. That authority is not tone of voice or urgency to follow instructions: it is the bringing of life, hope, wholeness and joy wherever it is lacking. That set Jesus apart from every other rabbi, before or since.

Today’s shorter reading brings us back in the chronology to the healing of the leper and the Roman officer’s son. We complete our circuit of Jesus’ teaching and we will see how this changes His ministry from this point forward.

The fruit of the teaching is as good as you would expect from the good roots of the first man filled with Holy Spirit! An outcast becomes clean, and the son of an oppressor receives life. As you read, allow the power of the life of God to shine from Jesus (the words He speaks and the works He does) into your life.

And notice His prophetic promise in verse 11: Multitudes of Gentiles will stream from the east and the west, to enter into the heavenly kingdom with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

That’s us! Let’s rejoice.

Have a great day!



Day 28, Luke 7


Day 26, Matthew 7