Day 169, Romans 8
Our third chapter in the freedom section of this great epistle is a chorus of joy at the indwelling life of the Holy Spirit.
There is such a contrast between the old life of striving and straining, only to fail repeatedly, and the new life of liberated union with Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit.
This is another chapter that merits reading aloud!
God is not distant, He is in us.
God is not obsessing over our every weakness, He is filling us with love and the power to overcome.
The more you and I yield to the gentle yet all-powerful impulses of the Holy Spirit, the more we will experience God as our Father. Perfect love loving you perfectly.
Even if we suffer, it is for a short time, and immersed in hope: we WILL see what has been promised because we know our loving Father.
God knows our frailty, because He became frail Himself. And the frail one is now the victorious one! There is already NOTHING in the universe with the power to separate us from this eternal life! God has determined to lavish love on us, and He will, and He does!
Have a great day!