Day 168, Romans 7
Who are you?
The answer to that question is crucial, and Paul helps us answer it truthfully today.
We said yesterday that holiness is a free gift from our divine lover. In other words, we can never earn our relationship with God. But how do we explain our tendency to disobey, even when we have been given such a lavish love gift?
Paul takes this chapter to bring into focus the Law, and its role as a shining light exposing where sin is hiding in our lives. The beautiful truth is that we are free from sin’s power because we died with Christ and have been raised with Him to new life. Thus we are living in the truth of Jesus’ statement to Nicodemus: “You must be born again.”
Our first birth gave us life that depended on keeping a written code. We all failed that test. We died in Christ and that old requirement died with us. Now we live in Christ, and it is the power of the Holy Spirit, God living in us, that emancipates our obedience and righteousness.
Who are you?
A child of God, with God living in you, enabling you to live in perfect obedience to Him.
This is the glorious freedom of the children of God. And there’s more to come!
Have a great day!