Day 170, Romans 9
Now we change focus a little. Paul has been writing to Gentiles who believe in Jesus, celebrating their new life in Christ and freedom from the slavery of sin and death.
Now, he will take three chapters to look instead at his Jewish brothers and sisters: those who do not yet recognize Jesus as their long-awaited Messiah.
Firstly, we see how deeply Paul felt moved for his brethren. By mistaking physical birth for birth into promise, they have missed the true destination of their journey. God has always promised salvation, but doesn’t give it universally by birth. You can’t be a second-generation child of God.
Unfortunately, seeking promise by birthright is unsuccessful, and those who follow this path tend to harden their hearts to God’s gift. This highlights why human effort is unfruitful in the face of God’s grace.
Paul highlights God’s heart for the Jews to return to the One who chose them in the first place. And he underscores God’s power to achieve this, despite their hardened unbelief. He concludes the chapter by warning us not to stumble over the means of God’s salvation because we don’t comprehend it. He will develop this theme further in our next reading.
Have a great day!