Day 152, 2 Corinthians 4

2 Corinthians 4

When we accept the gift of grace, does that make us better than others? Certainly not.

The gift is not inherent to us but it fills and overflows us, like treasure in clay pots.

The grace of God is the treasure, we are privileged to be filled with God’s loving kindness.

Recognizing and celebrating this truth frees us from the religious pressure to promote ourselves, and releases us to let God’s life and power flow through us.

When life gets tough it may crack or even break our clay pot, but the joyful truth is that a broken pot releases even more of the treasure inside!

Paul tells us that he first believes, then speaks in faith. The process is simple - God fills us with undeserved favor, we are persuaded by God’s goodness, and then we are so full of joy that we have to share it with others. Who could keep such good news to himself?

Have a great day!



Day 153, 2 Corinthians 5


Day 151, 2 Corinthians 3