Day 92, John 19
As John describes the remainder of Jesus’ interaction with Pilate, and the strident insistence of the Jewish authorities, notice how many times the word King is used. God inspires John to reveal fully and without question that this man Jesus is the King of all.
The final word from the high priests and their mob is “We have no other king but Caesar!” This is blasphemy according to their own laws since God is their King, but they insist Jesus be crucified for blasphemy.
In the midst of all this screaming and histrionics, Jesus is calm and powerful. He tells Pilate “you would have no power over me at all unless it was given to you from above.”
And so the travesty of justice is concluded, and Jesus is taken away to be crucified.
Even on the cross there is arguing over the title King; Pilate wins that battle with the priests, insisting that the sign specifying the “crime” of Jesus was “King of the Jews.”
Even in His extreme pain, Jesus is living demonstration of God’s heart for humanity, as He tells John to take Mary as his mother from this point forward. As a widow over 50, Mary was most vulnerable once her firstborn Son was crucified.
Finally, Jesus is in control of His final moments, fulfilling one final prophecy by asking for a drink and then declaring “It is finished.” Be sure to read the footnote in The Passion Translation for verse 30: even this one phrase is full of significance.
John records the moment Jesus surrenders His spirit to God and the medical details of the spear thrust that proved Jesus died of a broken heart. The blood and water symbolize both the cleansing through the blood and the water of the Holy Spirit. It is also significant (as Brian Simmons points out in the footnote to verse 34) that blood and water also signify new birth.
John reminds us that he is an eyewitness of all this and writes so that we might believe with him.
After the body is taken down, Joseph and Nicodemus claim it from Pilate and bury it with honor in the tomb in the garden (representing the place where death first entered human experience and thus where death would be defeated).
Such powerful love! Pause, reflect, and give thanks.
Tomorrow, the whole of history changes!
Have a great day!