Day 91, John 18
We turn today to John’s account of the arrest and trials of Jesus. John is showing us Jesus the King and there are plenty of Kingly aspects to this account. When told the soldiers and the mob are looking for Jesus of Nazareth, He answers “I AM” and the power of this declaration of God’s name causes them to fall to the ground!
During the sham trials, Jesus’ authority is fully on display. He answers respectfully, yet without yielding to the self-serving motivation of the religious leaders. When He is sent to Pilate (the governmental ruler), He answers Pilate’s questions in a way that seeks to shine light for Pilate into the truth of His kingship.
It is notable that the religious leaders require the governmental leader to come out to them, in order not to violate their own religious rules. Religion is like that: everybody has to bow the knee to its control.
And Pilate is clear that this IS the King of the Jews. He may be hoping that this designation will placate and satisfy the crowds, but God’s purpose will prevail. The threatened religious leaders stir up the crowd to cry out for Barabbas, the revolutionary, in place of Jesus, the King.
And so the stage is set for the most profound account of the crucifixion from the disciple Jesus loved. We see from the detail in verses 15-17 that John has access that others did not have, to witness and record what happens. Thus he is able to record Peter’s three details of Jesus in detail, together with other details that make this account reliable history. Tomorrow, this disciple will give us moving detail around the Crucifixion.
Have a great day!