Day 93, Matthew 28
It is tempting, after reading John’s detailed insider account of the crucifixion, to continue with his account of the resurrection. But we are going to turn first to the other evangelists to set the scene and provide their insights, before returning to John.
Today, we start with Matthew, who focuses in on the women and the moment of the resurrection.
It is significant that the women are central to this account, because Matthew is writing for a Jewish audience. In his gospel, Jesus is identified in the stream of Israel’s relationship with God as the Son of David and the Son of Abraham. See how the women are central to the earth-shattering events of that morning. This was a tectonic shift for Jews who could receive it: God created male and female in His image. Women are central to God’s purpose for redemption. Jesus has already scandalized religious tradition by the place He gives to women, and now the women are those who witness and report the shocking details of resurrection morning.
This is yet another layer of authenticity to these accounts. In that culture, if you wanted to start a deception that someone was raised from the dead, you would never start with women as witnesses. Yet God is teaching all who will see and hear that we are ALL part of His redemptive strategy.
This resurrection morning changes everything. It demonstrates that political power cannot eliminate God’s life-giving activity. It proves that religious strictures are no match for the plan of God to restore relationship and breathe life into the dead.
And Matthew jumps over all the subsequent details of Jesus’ resurrected presence on earth to leave us with the commission to the disciples: this changes everything. Wherever you go, make followers like you and remember I’m always with you.
That commission is ours too. The earth-shaking transformation that God’s life brings has touched you and me. Who will see it today?
Have a great day!