Day 90, Luke 23
Luke brings his unique and deeply researched account of the trials and death of Jesus to the fore today. With a future focus, Luke shows us Jesus the Son of Man, the historical figure who is the hope of every human, Jew or Gentile.
As you read today, observe the degree of detail in the accounts. The different “trials” as powerful figures sought to shift responsibility from one to another. The words spoken to the wailing women, correcting their mistaken focus. The coercion of Simon from Cyrene into helping Jesus (the source of much tradition about the impact on this man). The fact that the inscription “King of the Jews” was written in three languages, and thus understandable to every person seeing it in that cosmopolitan city. The tearing of the veil between God and humanity as the body of God was torn for us. The brave Sanhedrin members (including Joseph) who had resisted the attempt to murder Jesus. The women playing such a key role in Jesus’ ministry, who now witnessed everything, and prepared to honor Jesus further after the mandatory pause for the Sabbath. (They would later become the first apostles of the resurrection).
As you read, remember that God has EVERY detail covered. In redemption, in history, and in your life.
Have a great day!