Day 89, Mark 15
Our second account of the conclusion of the war between love and sin comes from Mark, who brings us a fast-paced, sparse yet intense account of Jesus’ betrayal and death. Mark is present-focused and reveals Jesus as the Son of God.
Notice how Mark records the choice between the Son of God and the criminal Barabbas, as well as the sign placed over Jesus’ head. The religious leaders mock this King, and have no idea of their error.
Then Jesus cries out in Aramaic the famous line “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?” This appears to contradict Mark’s purpose in revealing Jesus’ divinity, but in truth it is a quote of the first line of a song, intended to signify the whole song. This is similar to me saying “O say, can you see?” and you remembering the whole national anthem. In this case the song is Psalm 22 and the intention that we hear the whole of it is revealed in next week’s readings, when John records the last words of Jesus “It is finished” which are also a quote from the end of that same Psalm.
As we said yesterday, there is still more to unpack from the greatest day in history; but, for now, take time to also read Psalm 22 in the Passion Translation and marvel at the prophetic description of this day, written a thousand years earlier.
Have a great day!