Day 88, Matthew 27
For the rest of this week, and into next, we will see the clearest contrast between the fallen world system, which rejects God, and the self-emptying love of God, that defeats the world system.
The climax of the war between love and sin is the crucifixion of Jesus.
To grasp the depth of Jesus’ love, and the strength of His victory, we will read each account of the trials and crucifixion separately, learning from the different perspectives of the four evangelists.
Today, as you read Matthew, you will gain a historical perspective, revealing Jesus the true King, Jewish Son of David and Son of Abraham. We see the Jewish leaders snuffing out this threat to their power and control, and the Roman governor initially seeking to avoid the inevitable but then capitulating. We also see the way crowds can swing from one extreme to another (from ‘Hosanna’ on Sunday to ‘Crucify’ on Friday). This is a salutary observation to be cautious of popular opinion.
Most strikingly, we see the restraint of Jesus in allowing all this to happen. Here is our Creator allowing Himself to be unjustly accused, wrongfully convicted, tortured, and murdered by His creatures. Such self-emptying love leads to one of two reactions: it is repulsive weakness to those who value power, position and control, but it is irresistible attraction to those who know pain, loss or lack because God has come to us and willingly laid down His life for us.
There is much more to say, but for today, let’s pause for a few moments and meditate on that.
Have a great day!