Day 87, John 17
Yesterday, we challenged ourselves with the thought that fear has no place in our lives if we are in Christ, even though that also means we also expect conflict and suffering.
Today we see how that discord is resolved: Jesus is praying for us (as noted in Hebrews 7:25).
Jesus is praying for me.
Jesus is praying for you.
Jesus has overcome the world.
Jesus makes God’s love tangible.
This is a chapter that deserves to be read slowly, repeatedly, and thankfully.
Receive all the power of God’s love, the Kingdom, His presence, and the hope of the resurrection as you feed on the words of Jesus:
“I will continue to make you even more real to them, so that they may experience the same endless love that you have for me, for your love will now live in them, even as I live in them!”
Have a great day!