Day 259, Revelation 21

Revelation 21

In chapter 20 we said a reconstruction is taking place. God is razing the old, death-ruled universe and the sin and evil that accompanies it. In its place He is unveiling a new eternal order, a new perfect creation, a new fit-for-purpose universe. Chapter 21 reveals this in all its splendor.

The primary characteristic of this perfect replacement is that all the faults and pains of the old have been burned away. In place of sin’s constant presence, we will enjoy God’s eternal presence. We will be united with Him as joyfully as an adorned bride unites with her long-awaited husband!

God is now beginning and end, the one who makes all things new.

And the second truth John unveils is that this is not some “pie in the sky” heavenly existence, sitting on a cloud and strumming a harp. This is a new earth as well as a new heaven. Totally transformed from the old. Before, heaven was perfect, and earth was damaged: a write-off. But now BOTH are recreated, and eternity begins with our Father dwelling with His children, our Bridegroom King uniting with His bride.

And there is no more sea (the symbol for chaos and darkness in this prophetic revelation). Those of us who love to walk along the beach need not fear – the new earth will be much more beautiful, and the symbol of the sea disappearing applies more to hurricane season than the sunrise or sunset stroll beside the vast expanse of ocean reflecting God’s love.

Here is the fulfillment of what began after the Exodus: God is dwelling with His people, and this time we don’t draw back in fear, because fear is gone!

The second half of the chapter details all the symbolic touches in John’s vision of the New Jerusalem. Everything we have ever longed for is fulfilled, superseded, and abundantly expanded in this new reality. The city has no Temple, because God is the Temple – we dwell in Him, and He dwells in us. There is no need for sunrise, nor any longing for moonlight to lighten the darkness, because the glory of God shines constantly. This new, eternal existence is as different from the old as the oak is from the acorn, or the adult is from the fetus in the womb. This is total, perfect access to God with no subtraction, ever!

In one sense this is in the future for us: something to long for and anticipate. However, remember as you look forward, that there is no longer any sequence of time here – in some ways this is already present in another dimension. Soon we will see fully, now we see only a misty glimpse. What joy awaits!

Have a great day!



Day 260, Revelation 22


Day 258, Revelation 20