Day 258, Revelation 20

Revelation 20

And so, we come to another chapter which has been snipped into fragments by religious traditions, and used to distort, control, and even deceive. This is the only place in the whole of scripture that mentions a millennium, just as Revelation 16:16 is the only place that speaks of a final battle at Armageddon, and 1 Thessalonians 4 is the only place that describes something resembling a “rapture” (and it is a very different “rapture” than dispensationalist “end-time prophecy experts” would have us believe). Be wary of taking one fragment and building a worldview on it. In fact, don’t do that at all!

So, what is happening in chapter 20?

Well, firstly (as we have said multiple times) – this whole revelation is prophetic and symbolic. It is apocalyptic (revealing truth) and written to paint a big picture. It is a mistake to approach it literally, especially with a focus on detail.

Secondly, when we focus on the big picture, it becomes both simpler, and more expansive. The satan is bound (since Jesus bound him during His earthly ministry and at the cross). The thousand years is a symbolic “long time” – the age between the resurrection and the return. The thrones show us those who choose the worship of Jesus above the worship of the imperial religious system – they have authority because they refuse to use power for their own ends. They also give us yet another reference to Daniel’s revelations of God’s nature – in this case from Daniel 7.

The first and second resurrection are likely a poetic device to emphasize the contrast between those who live victoriously for Jesus and those who simply follow Him. This is not a division of hierarchy because we all wed ultimately. There’s no competition here.

One last time, John is shown the satan’s true nature. Whenever so allowed, he will deceive, recruit, attack, and fight. Thus, the final verdict on this fallen spiritual being is justly deserved: eternal burning torment. Notice clearly that this eternal conscious torment is the fate of spiritual rebels, not human beings. For too long the religious system has used that image falsely to frighten humanity into being controlled by religion.

This section is another pause in the expected sequence of events, like the pause in the opening of the seals in chapter 7 and the pause between the sixth and seventh trumpets in chapters 10 & 11. There is not space here to discuss the significance of these pauses (or to fill in the details of the other assertions I have made today). I strongly recommend reading the relevant section in N.T. Wright’s “Revelation for Everyone” as well as his excellent “Surprised By Hope” to challenge traditional (mistaken) interpretations of these crucial matters, and to root our belief in the truths of God’s Word.

And so, we come to Judgment Day!

This new throne replaces the previous throne(s) because complete reconstruction is under way. The original, tarnished structure and universe is discarded for a new and perfect one. The final demolition is death itself, along with the realm of the dead (hades). John sees that everything we do is written in books – documentation of our deeds to show that justice is served. But he also sees another book, the Book of Life, which he has mentioned several times before (3:5, 13:8, 17:8). It was written before the foundation of the world. Jesus writes in His book the names of all those who will accept His offer of life. And that is the book which takes precedence over every other record when the final cleanup takes place!

Have a great day!



Day 259, Revelation 21


Day 257, Revelation 19