Day 260, Revelation 22
Final words.
God started everything. Creating a perfect world and a perfect human, then separating that human into two parts to signify the longing and plan for uniting two into one.
The accuser despoiled God’s perfection with self-will, lust for power, deception, and many other forms of sin.
Jesus came as a human to live the life our ancestor failed to live – obedient communion with the Father.
The imperial religious system rejected and crucified Him, but He triumphed over it in the cross and resurrection. History pivoted on that first resurrection day.
With the coming of the Holy Spirit to live in every person who accepts Jesus’ gift of eternal life, the Church begins to welcome the Kingdom that Jesus has come to inaugurate.
Through centuries of suffering and persecution, the chosen and faithful wash their robes in the suffering of obedience, living from the Tree of Life, rather than the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
In this way, we finally return to Eden restored: a new heaven and a new earth with a river flowing with eternal life and fruitfulness on every side.
John has seen, and reveals to us, the climax of God’s Story.
ALL is His, and we are His, and He is coming quickly.
Have a great day!