Day 257, Revelation 19
After the destruction of this world’s system of domination, there is rejoicing in heaven. Just as there was rejoicing in the streets on VE Day as World War 2 was ending. Now we can proceed with the eternally planned union, the uniting of God and humanity at the wedding celebration of the Lamb. Notice that the praise in heaven is for God’s judgment of all that distorts and obstructs His purpose, and for the visible victory that the smoke of her destruction indicates. Then a voice from the throne invites the servants of God to join the chorus, and a Niagara of praise erupts. John’s vision is revealing the magnitude of God’s purpose: we are destined for the throne, purposed for unity with our God.
And then comes the bridegroom. Majestic, riding on a great white horse. The symbol of victory in battle, and of great honor for valor and strategy to bring rule to rebellious territory. Notice the contrast between the simplicity of our victorious bridegroom king’s arrival – on a white horse – with the hideous (and now destroyed) system that preceded Him, a harlot seated on a multi-headed ravenous beast.
And no wedding is complete without a feast. The first course of the feast is the symbolic invitation to the birds (symbolizing freedom and a higher perspective) to feast on the defeated beast, the false prophet, and their armies. All killed by the Word from the mouth of the bridegroom warrior king.
Remember, don’t give yourself a headache trying to figure out specific applications of every detail. That would be like freeze-framing the battle scenes in The Lord of the Rings to try to count every orc! Instead, sit back and take in the majestic panorama of victory which John is painting for us with his words. This is a 3D movie surround-sound! It is showing us that Jesus has already won the victory, and the day is coming when we shall see it in dramatic, and eternally conclusive, real life!
Have a great day!