Day 252, Revelation 14
Chapter 13 gave us two virulently evil beasts, demanding worship, obeisance, and control.
Now we see a powerful, beautiful contrast: a little lamb with a vast army who are identified with His name and His Father’s name. Their worship is pure, and heaven acknowledges this true power with a roar of approval. This section is another reflection of Psalm 2 (which is a repeated reference in John’s vision). Why do the nations rage? God laughs at this mockery. He reveals His chosen king – the lamb.
And so humanity is presented with a clear choice: follow the lamb, receive His name, endure and remain obedient in the face of evil and opposition OR settle for imperfection, give in to the bullying threats of the imperial beast and the beast of religion, and be marked by godlessness.
We see three angels calling all mankind to do the former, not the latter. Clearly this scene of the revelation is written for John’s readers who are currently suffering greatly under an evil empire (Babylon is used as a metaphor for Rome). Rest and relief are coming. Endure.
And verses 14 to 20 describe the harvest of the earth as the path to that rest. Just as agricultural communities know the suffering and labor of long days of hard work to bring in the harvest, so the bride of Christ suffers through long years of godless oppression until humanity is ripe and the gathering-in of God’s children takes place. This is why Jesus told His disciples “The fields are white for harvest.”
These verses are often read as terrible scenes of suffering and judgment, but to do so would be to miss the joy of the abundant harvest God is giving – the multiplied lives of His children being gathered in like ripe ears of grain. A great and bountiful harvest.
Have a great day!