Day 253, Revelation 15

Revelation 15

The scene changes again, and John sees the final plagues (calling to mind the preparation for the Exodus). Just as there were repeated plagues that led to the breaking of Pharaoh’s hold on God’s people, so these seven final plagues will finally defeat the dragon and the two beasts, bringing God’s children, humanity, to freedom.

John hears the song of Moses (just as in Exodus 15 where Moses, Aaron, Miriam, and all the people sang in worship and celebration). “All nations will come and worship you as your blessings have been revealed.”

Just as the plagues revealed God’s power and eventually overcame the demonic hold of the Egyptians, so now God’s power will be revealed in seven plagues of judgment. These plagues are carried by seven angels from the tabernacle of testimony (or tent of witness) – the holy of holies where God’s presence came down on the mercy seat upon the ark of testimony. Just as in the original Tabernacle, and Solomon’s Temple, and the mountain where Moses met with God to receive the Ten Commandments, so here God’s presence is represented by thick smoke.

And the angels are given bowls of God’s wrath (a word that also means strong passion – see Micah 7:18). God’s passion is to see us restored – to have compassion, defeat our iniquity, cast out our sin and demonstrate faithfulness to us. We shall see the ultimate fulfillment of this passion in the coming chapters.

Have a great day!



Day 254, Revelation 16


Day 252, Revelation 14