Day 251, Revelation 13

Revelation 13

Chapter 12 ended with the dragon standing by the sea. And the sea was the source of threats and attacks for the Jews, and so many others. Now we see Daniel’s vision of four beasts (representing four ungodly kingdoms) morph into one beast or monster that both combines and reimagines them all. The allusion is to Rome, the powerful godless empire that was the superpower of the day. But beyond that, the full thrust of this beast represents pagan empire wherever it sets itself up against God. Notice that there is miraculous restoration and blasphemous declaration, leading to worship of the dragon and virulent spewing of malice against God. Throughout history, empire has been a monster that defies and attacks God’s kingdom. The clear message here is that empire may fight, and even kill, but God will be victorious. And it is not our place to do God’s work for Him. Verse 10 says the demands and evil acts of the beast of empire call for endurance and faithfulness (to God), not the wielding of earthly force against earthly powers.

Then we see a second beast deceiving and demanding worship. For emphasis, John is repeating the metaphor of empire as a monster through fake parody of God’s power. Here is religion rising up in similar manner to political and governmental power, demanding obedience and compliance. For us, as well as for John’s readers, it is easy to say, “I would not be taken in by that, I would stand firm.” But there are issues today that are just as evil as Rome’s pagan conquest of the known world, enslaving and subjugating everyone they conquered. Nero was the emperor at the time, and he ranks highly in the Top 20 “most obnoxious human rulers” chart!

There is consequence in commerce and loss of liberty for those who will not worship, who refuse to be coerced, just as today there is a price to pay for exposing the godless extremities of cancel culture, gender identity politics, and ruthless use of force to control (whether in global conflicts or local crimes). Religion is unforgiving of those who seek relationship with God. Jesus modeled this and religion killed Him.

The chapter ends with the most famous number in the Bible. The cryptogram and numerical parody of perfection (777) in the number of the beast: 666. The number of imperfection, repeated three times for complete emphasis.

Our response? Seek the one who was, and is, PERFECT!

Have a great day!



Day 252, Revelation 14


Day 250, Revelation 12