Day 250, Revelation 12

Revelation 12

Now the scene changes, and we see this revelation of Jesus from a new viewpoint. We start with the nativity, with a woman (representing Israel, God’s chosen people, as well as Eve, the mother of all living, and The Church – the Bride of Christ) pregnant with a man-child. There are multiple symbolic facets to John’s vision that connect this passage with many others throughout scripture. I recommend N.T. Wright’s “Revelation for everyone” on this chapter, to unfold the rich layers of meaning John records.

Along with the symbolic woman, John also reveals the corruptor, the enemy who is behind all the evil we have endured in this vision. The satan (v9), who accuses and deceives, and kills, is defeated by Michael and an army of angels. He is cast down to the earth in defeat. This calls to mind both Isaiah 14 (how you are cast down, O Day star, son of the dawn) and the words of Jesus in Luke 10:18 “I saw satan fall like lightning from heaven.”

This is not final defeat; the dragon will be with us for much of the second half of the book (and so will the Woman). But remember, this does not indicate a long chronological period of opposition and struggle. John’s revelation is a multifaceted vision of God’s solution to sin and evil. It is a panoramic unfolding of God’s ultimate victory in a series of scenes and visions.

Notice, too, how the battle is won in two ways (which are two sides of the same coin). In verses 7-9 it is Michael and the angels who defeat the satan and his minions.  But verse 11 credits the Church – our brothers and sisters, who conquer the accuser through the blood of the lamb and the word of his testimony (or their testimony – our testimony of what He has done is really His testimony too). And they didn’t love and cling to their lives, even when faced with death.

So, heaven’s forces, and God’s children on earth cooperate, in obedience and submission to God, to defeat the dragon.

Have a great day!



Day 251, Revelation 13


Day 249, Revelation 11