Day 224, Hebrews 11
Let’s dig into that statement from our reading of Chapter 10: Faith allows us to live in the fulness of Jesus’ presence.
Chapter 11 lists the heroes of faith. Men and women, many well-known to Hebrew readers, some less well-known to us today. All commended for faith.
What is faith? A determination to live as I believe? The ability to transcend the patterns and expectations of this world by trusting God? Hope for a future without sin and death?
Faith is all those things, and more.
Faith empowers, proves, directs, confirms, sustains, emboldens, guides, refocuses, challenges, sets apart, commissions, delivers, protects, and convinces.
The Greek word pistis, translated faith so many times in this chapter, means divine persuasion. We are persuaded by God’s actions and promises to trust, follow, and persevere. The focus is God’s complete provision and protection. This is what inspired and empowered all the heroes of faith.
Lest we be tempted to try to work up more faith, let’s read verse 40 again:
God has invited us to live in something better than what they had—faith’s fullness!
Just as all those listed in Chapter 11 had a revelation of God’s nature that persuaded them to live in faith, so we now have a perfect revelation in Jesus that imparts faith to us.
Be persuaded by the enormity of what Jesus has done, and live by faith obediently.
Have a great day!