Day 223, Hebrews 10

Hebrews 10

We are comparing the superiority of the new covenant with the imperfection of the first. Today we examine the perfection of Christ’s sacrifice.

The original system required regular sacrifices, because those sacrifices only took away the sins for which they were offered. Further sin necessitates further sacrifice.

Until Jesus comes, to show us a better way. The writer to the Hebrews tells us that Jesus quoted Psalm 40 during HIs earthly ministry. We don’t have that recorded in the gospels, but Psalm 40 is known to be a Messianic psalm, so it is not surprising that Jesus quoted it.

Psalm 40 tells us that God’s priority is obedience, not sacrifices. And Jesus came to demonstrate obedience through sacrifice. The sacrifice was not killing an animal, but laying down His own life. And in doing so, He sat down at the right hand of God (the place of authority and inheritance), to wait for His enemies (death and sin) to be made a footstool for his feet (a metaphorical gesture of total victory that was common in the ancient world).

Holy Spirit joins in with this comparison, adding “I will put my laws on their hearts and write them on their minds, and I will remember their sins and lawless deeds no more.”

After Jesus completes the perfect sacrifice, God forgets our sins and writes His heart on our hearts.

So in the second half of this chapter, we turn to apply these eternally life-changing truths to our corporate life.

Since we are walking together on a new and living way into the heart of God, we live in freedom. Our lives are fulfilled in drawing near to Him constantly and consistently. Our sure hope compels us to reach out to one another, to encourage and to demonstrate love. There is no room for the withdrawing of fellowship through offense. Isolation is sin. And if we insist on sinning by isolating ourselves, or carrying offenses, then we are declaring that the perfect sacrifice of Jesus is insufficient for my satisfaction in this circumstance. That is an audacious claim that will be revealed false when Jesus returns. Fear of sin causing us to separate from one another is a grievous rejection of all that Jesus died to achieve. So remember the light that shone in your life when you first believed the good news, and renounce withdrawing to protect yourself. Faith allows us to live in the fulness of Jesus’ presence.

Have a great day!



Day 224, Hebrews 11


Day 222, Hebrews 9