Day 222, Hebrews 9
We saw the superiority of the New Covenant in Chapter 8, and today we compare the old with the new again.
Have you ever watched a movie before reading the book of the same title? For the sake of dramatic effect, movie makers sometimes adapt details of their source for the silver screen. In the same way, the first covenant, with its tabernacle, was a dramatic enactment of a heavenly truth. Adapted for earthly eyes, it still shows us the theme and key characters of God’s eternal covenant with humanity. Every detail of the Tabernacle worship has something to teach us about God’s heart and our relationship with Him.
But all that is superseded by the priestly ministry of Jesus. He has entered into the heavenly sanctuary which is not of this creation, after shedding his own blood. The perfection of this sacrifice renders it eternal in a similar way to a great book being unforgettable after you read it.
So whenever we struggle with imperfection here in this life (namely daily, even hourly) we can look to the perfect sacrifice of our Lord Jesus. He died to release us from the guilt of the violations under the first covenant, and promises us an eternal inheritance in their place.
His death is the event which unleashes the inheritance, for inheritance only comes after the death of the one making the will. Jesus’ will is that we be reconciled to God. The death has happened, the will has been read, now the door to reconciliation stands open. The fulness of this salvation will only be evident when the Son of God is revealed fully as victor over sin and death - there’s more to come, but what we already have is better than any movie!
Have a great day!