Day 221, Hebrews 8

Hebrews 8

In our journey through Hebrews, the writer has led us further into the supremacy of Jesus, the Messiah. We began considering that Jesus is superior to angels and Moses (the Law-giver). Then we moved on to understand that Jesus has a superior priesthood to that of the Jewish system (Melchizedek being the forerunner and type).

Today we begin to consider the sacrifice and covenant that Jesus has introduced: it is superior to the covenants that preceded it, because they were designed to lead to this.

The first covenant (with Abram and Moses and the nation they founded and led) was unique in history. God chose a man, promised him a family, that became a nation, and covenanted to bless that nation. What a heritage! But that heritage was tarnished by sin and unfaithfulness.

It all led to Jesus, the Messiah, who introduces a greater covenant, with a perfect sacrifice. And this is not some new fabrication: the writer quotes Jeremiah 31 in verses 8 through 12 of Hebrews 8 to show this new covenant was prophesied long before. And the old covenant, tarnished by unfaithfulness and founded on self-effort, is fading away like mist in the morning sun. The new covenant in Jesus the Messiah is the shining sun that brings a new day.

If you are tired of trying to please God, or worn out by many requirements in religious settings, you have a great heritage in this passage: Jesus is the catalyst of a better covenant which contains far more wonderful promises! (v6).

Have a great day!



Day 222, Hebrews 9


Day 220, Hebrews 7