Day 214, Hebrews 1

Hebrews 1

For the next two weeks (or a little more), we will be reading the letter to the Hebrews. The earliest Church Fathers accepted that this letter was written by Paul, in Hebrew, to Jewish converts to Christianity, to reassure them about remaining in this “new” faith rather than returning to their Jewish roots. More recent scholarship has questioned the authorship, attributing the letter to Barnabas, Apollos, Priscilla or another of Paul’s associates. Whatever the truth of the authorship, this letter has much to teach us about the roots of our faith in the Jewish nation and history with God. Just as the Jewish nation crossed over from slavery to the Promised Land, so we have crossed over from darkness to light in Jesus. Hebrews means “those who have crossed over.”

Written in the form of a sermon, this letter is going to reveal Jesus as the Messiah with clarity and context. Jesus is God speaking clearly and persuasively to us, revealing His heart and nature.

This Jesus is greater than angels, because He is validated as God’s Son though the testimony of the Father Himself. There can be no doubt who Jesus is!

Angels are important too - they serve us: humans who are being saved.

Have a great day!



Day 215, Hebrews 2


Day 213, 1 Peter 5