Day 215, Hebrews 2

Hebrews 2

Chapter Two continues with the theme of the supremacy of Jesus.

He is greater than the angels, and will one day rule this world, bringing many sons and daughters to glory.

It would be easy to drift from this truth, but we are warned to be attentive to God’s truth in this, so that we avoid being led astray.

The truth is still the truth, even if it appears to not yet be fully realized (verse 8). This Jesus is fully human, and has many brothers and sisters who are IN Him - thus we are no longer fallen humanity, lower than the angels by virtue of disobedience. Now our Messiah has made us heirs of God alongside Him. Everything we face, He has already conquered.

Have a great day!



Day 216, Hebrews 3


Day 214, Hebrews 1