Day 41, Luke 9

Luke 9

A long chapter which begins with the sending of the apostles, Herod’s consternation, and the feeding of the five thousand. Luke includes the news that Herod was fascinated with Jesus, even while feeling threatened by Him. Luke also includes Peter’s answer to the question “who do you say that I am?” While many are puzzled at the identity of Jesus, Peter is convinced that He is the Messiah. Lest they misunderstand this to mean that Jesus will be a military victor, overthrowing the Romans, He tells them clearly about His coming death and resurrection.

Going on to speak about the cost of discipleship, Jesus encourages His followers to live for His glory. And Luke then takes us to the mountain where Peter, Jacob (James) and John see Jesus’ glory for themselves. Moses and Elijah (the Law and the Prophets) are there too, affirming the fulfillment of God’s strategy for humanity through Jesus, the Messiah.

Now we have a further turning point in this three-year journey to fulfill God’s covenant promises: the crowds who are following merely for the miracles are called out and corrected. Jesus is beginning to focus on His destination: rejection and crucifixion in Jerusalem. This exposes competition and mixed motives among the disciples. They are arguing about who is the greatest, expressing sensitivity to competition, and suggesting calling down fire from heaven when the Samaritans become hostile.

In response, Jesus reinforces His call to follow wholeheartedly. Nothing less will bring us to God’s Kingdom realm. Let’s check our hearts today: have I fallen into any human attitudes, such as trying to preserve an amazing spiritual experience (verse 33) or judging by less-than-godly standards (verses 45, 46, 49, 54, and 62)?

Have a great day!



Day 42, John 6


Day 40, Mark 6