October 26

October 26

Jesus' Ministry in Jericho -- Zacchaeus, the Parable of the Talents, & healing the blind.

Today's Readings:

Reading 1: Luke 19:1-27

Reading 2: Matthew 25:14-30

Reading 3: Mark 10:46-52

As Jesus draws nearer to Jerusalem for the last time, His teaching and actions focus on bearing fruit, showing the change that salvation brings, and being faithful with what God (our master) has entrusted to us.

The lesson is the same in all cases: if you have truly met and known this generous God, it will show in your life. Zacchaeus' salvation is not really about money - it is about recognizing the harm his sin has done to others. In Zacchaeus' case, that involved paying back what he had stolen. This is a lesson about making it right; showing that salvation has truly turned my life around.

And the servants entrusted with money (which is not their own) have to give account for it. Their treatment of what they are given shows their view of the giver. This is a revealing test!

Even Bartimaeus approaches life with the same philosophy: he needs what Jesus has, and he doesn't deserve it, so he cries out for mercy to the one who can heal him. And of course, as soon as he is specific about what he wants (the ability to live a productive life rather than be dependent on others) Jesus gives him what he needs.

What has God given you, and will the change in your life show how much God has turned it around?

Have a great day!



October 27


October 25