October 25
October 25
Jesus' Final Trip to Jerusalem -- The Parable of the Laborers & the right hand of Jesus.
Today's Readings:
Reading 1: Matthew 20:1-28
Reading 2: Mark 10:31-45
Reading 3: Luke 18:31-34
"Among you it will be different." Jesus consistently teaches His followers not to expect their lives to resemble the lives of those around them. This is because following Jesus makes us different from those who do not. Our lives belong to Him, our motivation is obedience to God, our power source is His love and grace, and our home is outside this world.
To illustrate this, Jesus tells a story designed to evoke a response of "that's not fair" from the hearers. This is a refrain any parent is familiar with! But the catch is that truthfully we don't want fair for ourselves - only for others! If you and I got what we deserved we wouldn't be here any more!
Then James and John get their mom to ask for the best seats for her boys in the presumed kingdom Jesus will usher in. But that request is short sighted and provokes the ire of the other disciples. That is when Jesus utters those powerful words: "Among you it will be different."
We are called to lay down our lives for the sake of others. In marriage (which we discussed yesterday) that is the primary characteristic of a godly spouse. In the Church, it is what unites us and what makes us attractive to unbelievers. In the world it is what sets us apart - our willingness to sacrifice ourselves (as Jesus did) for the sake of others.
Have a great day!