October 24

October 24

Jesus' Ministry across the Jordan -- Marriage, the rich young ruler, & sacrifices for God.

Today's Readings:

Reading 1: Matthew 19

Reading 2: Mark 10:1-30

Reading 3: Luke 18:15-30

Marriage is a gift from God, a picture of the relationship between Jesus and the Church. It is a holy thing that can only be embraced with the grace of God. The combining of two different creatures (a man and a woman) into one relationship reflects the union of redeemed believers and a sacrificial Savior King. This is the true definition of marriage according to God. The religious leaders were wrong to see it as a contract of convenience, and those who redefine marriage today are also mistaken (albeit with sometimes compassionate motives). Jesus is very clear that God's standard is far above man's wisdom. That standard can only be reached by God's grace.

Likewise children are not to be belittled or sidelined; they have much to teach us about how to come to God and how to receive the grace we need for daily life (including marriage if applicable).

And if anything (even your salary and retirement plan) get in the way of your relationship with God, you have a hard choice to make. Choosing God is never a loss, whatever else you lose in the process!

Have a great day!



October 25


October 23