April 20
April 20
Judge Samson -- Delilah's nagging, Samson's foolishness, & Samson's death.
Today's Readings:
Reading 1: Judges 16
Reading 2: Proverbs 5:1-14
Reading 3: Proverbs 27:15-16
Yesterday we said that Samson's pride, presumption, and foolishness would be his undoing. And today we read about that sad ending. Truly our choices make a difference in the outcomes of our lives, yet God is always merciful when we see our errors and repent.
If Samson had known the wisdom of Solomon in Proverbs, he could have heeded it and avoided so much trouble for himself and his people. But he chose to pursue sexual gratification outside God's plan and it finally led to his capture. The relationships Samson chose were neither godly nor faithful, and his story shows us the power of sexual sin to hold us captive and lead us to ruin. No wonder Solomon was so clear in his warning to his son!
For decades we have seen the damage that sex outside of God's plan will wreak.
May we all know God's wisdom to guide our decisions and lead us to be victorious in Him.
I pray that your hearts and minds will be fully focused on God's wisdom.
Have a great day!