April 19
April 19
Judge Samson -- Samson, the spirit, & victory with the jawbone of a donkey.
Today's Readings:
Reading 1: Judges 14
Reading 2: Judges 15
Reading 3: Zechariah 4:6
Today Samson pursues ungodly ends, especially a wife from the Philistine enemy, but God turns around this disobedience to His own plans as this places Samson in a position to execute judgment on the oppressors of God's people.
Along the way, we see indications of Samson's pride, disregard for authority, dishonor of his parents, and self-absorbed decision-making. All these weaknesses will prove to be his undoing but first, we see that God is willing to pour out His Spirit on even the "unsuitable" in order to defeat His enemies and bring freedom to His people.
May we experience such freedom today, not by might, nor by power, but by the Holy Spirit.
Have a great day!