Day 112, James 1
As we move through the Book of Acts, we will insert the early letters into the narrative at approximately the point in the account where they were written.
The first letter is written by Jacob, half brother of Jesus and first biological son of Joseph and Mary. Interestingly, most scholars agree that he wasn’t a believer until after the resurrection! He writes to the Jews who are scattered in order that they will believe with him.
Remember that many religious Jews were fervent opponents of the Church, and even persecuted the Christians, so Jacob’s letter is both necessary, and full of hope for the believers.
And reading his wisdom in the context of all the riots and stoning we have read about in the past few days gives fresh relevance to his instructions. Don’t be tossed to and fro by human wisdom. Trust God. Distinguish between your own sinful desires and God’s truth. Let God’s Word be alive in your life. Live out your faith in your actions.
All these wise instructions resonate with us today, just as they did for Jacob’s audience then. Hard times require strong faith. Lord make us fit for the challenges!
Have a great day!