Day 111, Acts 14
Paul and Barnabas continue their journey, to Iconium, where the Jewish opposition, and other factions, hatch a plot to stone them to death. Then on to Lystra and Derbe, where another miracle healing causes the local residents to worship Paul and Barnabas as Greek gods! No sooner have they stopped this sin, than the Jewish mafia arrive and stone Paul to death! But the believers gather round him and he is resurrected! Then he and Barnabas continue their journey as if nothing had happened. This trust in God, and obedience to the call of God, are an inspiring example to us. We see Paul and Barnabas raising up and appointing leaders in each gathering in a city or town. Thus the young churches have clear leadership.
And finally they return to Antioch, completing their first missionary journey. They share the stories with their church family there, and give God glory for all He has done.
What will you glorify God for today?
Have a great day!