Day 22, Mark 3
Who is with us? Who is not?
Who is my inner circle?
These are questions that grow in significance when you are a popular teacher, teaching with authority and demonstrating God’s power, yet you have been made an enemy by the powerful in society.
In today’s reading we see several pertinent truths from Jesus that are relevant to those questions.
First, He does not shrink from choices that increase His alienation from societal leaders: He says what is true, does what is right, and makes no attempt to reduce the massive crowds that are now following (although He does use a boat as a speaking platform).
Second, he deliberately chooses and invests in a smaller group of people to increase his impact. He gives them authority to do what He does: preach, heal, set free.
Third, He focuses on what His Father says and does: what is right, what is true, what is love.
It is interesting that Jesus says the only sin that will not be forgiven is calling God’s activity evil (a sin which seems to be on the increase). All other sin will be forgiven according to Jesus!
Another interesting (and humorous) observation is that Jesus prefers a dozen miscellaneous men with dubious leadership skills and plenty of reasons for inter-personal battles over his mother and siblings when they question His decisions. Likely this hesitation was rooted in the prevailing attitude in their hometown of Nazareth (where Jesus was unpopular) rather than in unbelief. Nonetheless, Jesus is not hesitant to choose the life of relationship with Father for Himself and His followers. How does that choice resonate with you?
Have a great day!