Day 21, Matthew 12:1-21

Matthew 12:1-21

Today we read Matthew’s account of the incident with the grain on the Sabbath, giving us clearer insight into the reasons Jesus finds no wrong in matters that religious control freaks find offensive!

The Pharisees have so many years of tradition, striving, and fault-finding behind them, that they can no longer see the truth and the life in Jesus. Even though the freedom and grace Jesus advocates is clearly recorded in Israel’s history.

As if to offend them further, when they question the legality of healing on the Sabbath, Jesus points out the simple compassion for animals that even a hardened Pharisee would express. Yet they want to refuse healing to a man created in the image of God, because it breaks their own religious laws. Jesus shows the compassion religion denies, and so religion immediately starts planning to kill Him!

God’s words through Isaiah are so powerful here: my chosen one won’t brush aside the bruised and the broken. He will be gentle with the weak and the feeble until his victory releases justice.

That’s good news! You must know someone who needs to hear it? Maybe it’s you?

Have a great day!



Day 22, Mark 3


Day 20, John 5