Day 30, Matthew 12:22-50

Matthew 12:22-50

The change of tone and focus continues today, as we read the second half of this chapter.

Remember that the chronology is not sequential in all four gospels, because each is written from a different perspective for a different purpose. We read verses 1-21 back on Day 21 in the period before we turned to the sermon on the mount.

As we noted yesterday, there is a change in Jesus’ tone now that His teaching is clearly presented, because the opposition is increasing and He is becoming more specific about the challenges of following. Every discipleship relationship combines invitation and challenge, and usually high invitation is the entry level, with high challenge following. This does not mean there is less invitation: true discipleship (as modeled by Jesus) combines both.

As the Pharisees become more fervently committed to eliminating Jesus, He teaches more bluntly about the need to discern between good and evil, truth and lies, fruit and poison. The demonic is not only seen in overt evil, it can also be found in rigid legalism.

We constantly have choices offered to us. We can open our lives to the gifts of God, or hold back for fear of what might happen. We can listen to the voices of caution (who are sure they are right), or we can learn from the One who speaks truthfully of freedom.

We can be set free, but to stay free, we need to fill the house with godly values. Our childlike passion for God’s free gift of loving relationship is our safeguard against the schemes of the enemy. Human wisdom expressed in religious caution (or opposition to losing control) will always lead us into peril.

It seems even Mary and Jesus’ brothers were influenced (at least briefly) by caution in the face of opposition. When Jesus was told they were outside, with the implication that He should stop teaching and go out to see to their concerns, He replies with a promise we can all take to heart today: “When you obey my heavenly Father, that makes you a part of my true family.”

Let’s remember that Jesus ALWAYS obeyed His Father: everything He says and does is a revelation of the Father’s heart for humanity. It’s so simple only a child can grasp it, and so deep that it takes God living in us to fulfill it.

Have a great day!



Day 31, Luke 11


Day 29, Matthew 11